During the COVID-19 pandemic additional measures have been implemented to keep our team and our patient’s safe at Smile Forever Dental. While all non-urgent dental procedures have been deferred to limit the spread of coronavirus and to protect patients and staff, we are open for emergencies.
We are open for emergency dental care. Call 9321 6877.
Emergency treatment will remain available for patients at Smile Forever. Emergency care covers dental procedures that will be initially assessed when you call us and may include:
- Swelling of the face relating to major tooth or gum issues
- Bleeding from the mouth that won’t stop
- An ulcer or sore in your mouth that hasn’t healed for 2 weeks or more
- Severe mouth pain that keeps you awake
- Tooth fracture
- Significant dental trauma e.g. your tooth has been knocked out
- You have been advised by your doctor to see a dentist for treatment before a medical procedure.
What do I do if I have a dental emergency and I am in pain?
Whether you are working from home or in isolation you can immediately carry out the following;
Broken tooth.
If you get a broken tooth that’s cutting your tongue or cheek, put some wax or chewing gum over the sharp bit.
In pain.
Take Panadol in combination with Nurofen to manage pain, as long as you don’t have an allergy or health constraints to taking this medication. Medications are best taken with food or on a full stomach and taken as directed on the medicine label or leaflet.
Sore Gums.
If you have sore gums or ulcers, rinse with an antiseptic mouth rinse, such as Savacol twice a day for 7-10 days. This will help to manage the problem in the mean time.
If you have a dental emergency now or require advice, don’t hesitate to call us on 9321 3071.
Our “emergency dental” Smile Forever team is located in West Perth to assist with urgent unmanageable oral pain during COVID-19 epidemic.
Please look after your teeth in the meantime with usual brushing and flossing.
If you have unmanageable pain or you are unsure about your dental problem, then call us Monday to Friday, during our normal business hours for an emergency appointment.
For up to date community information on the COVID-19 in Western Australia, refer to the State Government website HERE.
Stay safe and be assured that we are here if you need emergency dental treatment.
Dr Jason Condello and the team at SMILE FOREVER DENTAL.