At Smile Forever Dental, we understand the transformative power of a radiant smile. If you’re looking to enhance the brightness of your teeth and achieve a whiter, more confident grin, our In-Chair Philips Zoom Whitening is the solution you’ve been searching for. Join us as we explore the wonders of this advanced teeth whitening treatment
Congratulations to Dr Rick Lazar, who has recently retired after an impressive career as a leading Prosthodontist. Dr Rick operated his private practice a floor below Smile Forever, in West Perth. As well as presenting lectures to the dental profession, Dr Rick was renowned for his specialist skills, establishing a study club and conducting courses
In this blog we cover the best questions asked about gum lift and contouring surgery. Don’t hesitate to contact us and book an appointment to discuss how to improve the appearance of your smile. What is Gingival Plastic Surgery and Why Do it? Gum lift procedures and gum contouring is also known as a
Here are the best questions to ask your dentist. In this article we have compiled 16 of the best questions clients at Smile Forever have asked us over the years. If you have any questions call (08) 9321 3071 for a booking. How can I improve my smile? One of the first questions we get
We are a COVID-19 safe practice. We have added in extra precautions in place at Smile Forever Dental to keep yourself, staff and the community safe during this unprecedented time. These include – PRE-APPOINTMENT SCREENING All patients will be contacted prior to their appointment to answer a series of Covid-19 screening questions. CHECK IN &
Dental Implant Q&A interview with Smile Forever’s Dr Jason Condello. Call (08) 6244 1421 for options & a quote with health rebate calculation. FAQ Dental Implants, Smile Forever Dental, West Perth Dentist.
Sugar is one of the biggest factors that can contribute to the development of tooth decay. 1. The World Health Organisation recommends adults consume 6 or less teaspoons of sugar per day. While it is hard to completely avoid sugar in your diet, there are some healthy habits for when you have sugary
The best experiences speak for themselves. Read why Smile Forever chooses to use the highest quality dental implant brands on the market Nobel Biocare and Straumann. If you are considering dental implants, call us.
Smile Forever recommends pure titanium dental implants as the best choice and in this blog we explain why. When considering dental implants, it is ideal to choose the most proven, strongest materials possible. It is also important to consider health impacts, clinical success, manufacturer quality, and other design factors. Over the years, the trend has